De bästa svaren från Sea of Thieves AMA

Gårdagens AMA med Rare om Sea of Thieves gav oss lite mer insikt i vad som väntar vid och efter launch.

Valet av ord är centralt i AMA.

Onsdagens livestream var en besvikelse för många fans som längtar efter mer information om Sea of Thieves. Under gårdagens AMA på Xbox One subreddit gav däremot Rare fans möjligheten att ställa de intressanta frågorna. Självklart valde Rare ut vilka frågor att besvara och vissa svar lindades in i otydlighet. På en timme lyckades de ändå svara på ett par intressanta frågor. Här är ett axplock av de mest intressanta svaren.

För hela tråden, se Xbox One subreddit.

Medverkande nyckelpersoner från Rare:

  • Craig Duncan (Studio Head)
  • Joe Neate (Executive Producer)
  • Mike Chapman (Design Director)
  • Ted Timmins (PC Design Lead)
  • Shelley Preston (Senior Designer)

För arbetsbördans skull har frågorna utelämnats och svaren förblivit på engelska.


Om Kraken har en fysisk kropp:
Joe: We want to leave some mystery to the kraken so people get that spoiler free experience at launch!
Shelley: All we can say is that it’s a monstrous experience…

Om möjligheten till fler uppdrag samtidigt:
Joe: We’re keen to do it! We just need to figure out how and when we put it in.
Mike: In the case of the Merchant Alliance, we’re aware players need to deliver their cargo before they’re able to activate another voyage. This is definitely an area we’d like to improve.
Shelley: Keep an eye out for a glint on a beach as a message in a bottle will allow you to do quests alongside your voyage.

Om att namnge sitt skepp (plakatet):
Mike: Yes, it’s a lovely plaque. It’d be a shame to waste it…

Om roadmap för post-launch innehåll:
Joe: I think we’re only ever likely to cover a few months ahead to maintain mystery (so you can be surprised and delighted) and so we can be reactive. Things will change as Sea of Thieves evolves. We want to have the time to reveal what the features mean for players before we put them in their hands. We’ve taken a show not tell policy for the entire project so far and we’re committed to that.

Om ändring av hårfärg:
Ted: At launch, when you pick your pirate their hair colour will remain the same (you’ll be able to change styles in the vanity chest!) We’re currently working on changing colour but figuring out how to deliver it. We have the tech working in the IPG (Infinite Pirate Generator) and now we’re working on how to bring that to the vanity chest.

Om att sloopens brig känns onödig:
Mike: We’re looking to add the ability to play publicly or privately on any ship you choose after launch. Supporting a four player crew on the sloop is something we’re looking at.

Om legendariska skepps storlekar:
Mike: When we bring in ship captaincy the legendary cosmetics that you acquire will apply to both sloop and galleon.

Om notifikationer för vänner och besättningen:
Mike: We’re reviewing our notification system at the moment. We totally get why this is important so we’re working on it.

Om handel mellan utposter:
Mike: We see the role of trading companies as something we’ll continue to expand over time. Whatever we do with the trading companies we’ll try to put a unique spin on it and gets players to play in different ways! Fair expectation that the kinds of goods you’ll be ferrying for the Merchant Alliance will evolve over time.

Om vidareutveckling av Ship of the Damned och spöken:
Mike: With Sea of Thieves being a fantastical world we’d like to expand on the fantastical elements of the game. We’re pretty excited about the opportunity this brings.

Om tatueringar:
Ted: Like hair colour we’re working on the design of how we get tattoos to players. We love the idea of unlocking a tattoo after an in game event. Our IPG tech means we can do this, we think it’s super cool and we’ll look at it post launch.
Joe: Tattoos are cool.
Shelley: If I were to get a tattoo I’d get a Sea of Thieves one…

Om Kraken och fler monster:
Mike: We’ll be looking to enrich our game across all areas after launch, whether that be the quests, the AI, the game experience. This is an area where we’ll definitely be looking at players’ feedback after launch. The kraken as a threat might evolve…

Om fiske kommer:
Mike: Sounds like an awesome idea.
Craig: Not sure fishing is part of the pirate experience.
Shelley: shocked face *
Joe: You’ve now had some insight into a design discussion at Rare. See what I have to put up with?

Om trummor blir tillgängliga:
Shelley: Drum roll please! Not at launch, the drum is close. It’s currently unavailable as we’re using it to drum up anticipation for Sea of Thieves badum tsch.

Om pets bara erhålls genom mikrotransaktioner:
Joe: Pets are a post-launch feature that we’re currently designing. We’re considering all options and they’re part of our ongoing service. We don’t have plans for them to be bought with gold but we’re looking at potential ways players could earn them.

Om synliga ankare och roddbåtar:
Joe: We discussed this early on in the project and honestly made a call that the investment outweighed the aesthetic benefit of having one. We prototyped rowboats, it was supercool. They might make an appearance in future.

Om hasardspel:
Shelley: We prototyped dice early on in development and it was a lot of fun. All of our mechanics in Sea of Thieves are to provide players simple tools that let players’ creativity define how they use them!
Joe: If we put dice in the game we’d love to see what players do with them. For example, using them to direct your adventure. Roll six to head West!
Shelley: We’ve seen people using gunpowder barrels as a game. Running down the beach and trying to get to the ship alive! Mike: Whatever we do we’ll look to continue players’ immersion and not take them out of the world into a mini game or separate modes.

Om hur många djur man kan ha med sig:
Mike: You’ll be able to own multiple pets but can only take one out on a voyage at a time.

Om utvecklad ship customisation längre fram:
Mike: Yes 🙂

Om svärdsstöten kommer fungera som i betan (kunna surfa på vatten):
Joe: It’s still in at launch but we’re monitoring whether it’s an overpowered ability. Kudos for discovering it, we’ve seen some GREAT clips of this. It took Shelley a while to figure out how to do it and she’s a Senior Designer on the game. Ted discovered it from the top of the Crow’s Nest.

Osårbara och mycket starka när de är dolda i skuggorna.

En ”Sea of Tease” om det första eventet som väntar i Sea of Thieves:
Mike: New visitors soon there may be, travelling far across the sea, depth of night with eyes aglow, crawling the earth cast in shadow.

(red. anteckning: den här gåtan antyder förmodligen att skuggskeletten har en roll i spelets första event.)

Om frekvensen av uppdateringar:
Joe: Our focus at launch is reacting to feedback and seeing if there are any significant issues. Our updates will be as frequent as they need to be in that period. New content will be variable on how complex it is. Bigger features are gonna be every few months, those will be major changes, like pets or ship captaincy. In the periods between those updates we’ll be running live campaigns and constantly releasing things that enrich the emergent experience of the world. Tools like a speaking trumpet, something that’s not too far away after launch.


Den här informationssatsningen från Rare är troligtvis den sista före spelets release. Med bara tre dagar kvar finns det inte så mycket mer studion kan förtälja, resten vill de nog att vi upptäcker själva i Sea of Thieves. För att hålla dig uppdaterad om Sea of Thieves, bokmärk Varvat och följ oss på Facebook och Twitter.

Sea of Thieves släpps den 20 mars exklusivt till Xbox One och PC via Microsoft Store.


Jag är en gamer av den gamla skolan och uppskattar både spel som utmanar mitt tålamod och spel som jag kan fly in i. Mina bästa minnen kommer från Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man, The Legend of Zelda och Final Fantasy. Nu finner jag mina kickar i Destiny, Bloodborne och Shovel Knight och gömmer mig i Bethesda och BioWares världar.

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